PRP Hair Treatment

PRP Hair Treatment In London

PRP Hair Loss Treatment in London or PRP therapy is a new advanced hair treatment procedure for hair thinning and hair loss. The PRP Hair Loss Treatment London takes advantage of boosting the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Since its inception, PRP therapy hair treatment has led to consistent positive results as it promotes hair regrowth and enhances its thickness & density.

How Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Works

To properly understand the working principle of PRP treatment, let’s take a step back and look at the critical role that platelets play in expediting the healing process. Platelets are a blood component that works together with white and red blood cells. White blood cells are responsible for strengthening the immune system and red blood cells carry oxygen. Platelets on the other hand act as ‘first responders’ in our body to stop bleeding in case of injury and promote healing. PRP therapy takes advantage of the healing properties of platelets in order to accelerate the healing process. An ample amount of PRP contains growth factors and proteins such as cytokines, which are responsible for the natural healing and rebuilding of the body’s tissue. At Fortes Clinic, our PRP specialists will use the platelets rich plasma component to regenerate and trigger hair cell repair. The aim of PRP treatment is the reversal of the hair thinning and shedding while simultaneously stimulating rapid growth in hair follicles. This process will enhance natural, healthy-looking hair.

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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Process

PRP Hair Transplant is an ideal hair loss treatment method for patients with mild hair loss conditions and hair thinning. PRP usually takes up to an hour to administer. Here are the steps we follow in administering PRP:

Step 1

For the first step, blood is drawn from the patient’s arm. The withdrawn blood is then transferred into special PRP tubes that are then placed in a centrifuge (a machine that spins rapidly to separates fluids into components with different densities).

Step 2

After roughly 10 minutes in the centrifuge, the blood sample will be separated into three layers;
  • Red blood cells
  • Platelet-poor plasma
  • Platelet-rich plasma

Step 3

The layer containing the plasma rich in platelets is then drawn into a syringe. The platelet-rich plasma will then be injected into the recipient region which is affected by hair loss. To enhance results of PRP, we occasionally combine the Derma roller treatment alongside the injection of platelets into the scalp. Micro punctures are made on the scalp using a derma roller and then the remaining PRP is applied onto the scalp. This process ensures that the platelet rich plasma is absorbed deep into hair cell roots and stimulates growth at the hair follicles, in turn, treating hair loss within the scalp. The injection should be administered once a month at a minimum of three sessions. Each session lasts about one hour. This treatment effectively leads to a significant reduction in hair loss and hair thinning. It will also stimulate the optimal growth rate of your hair for a thicker and healthier look.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
starting at...
  • Improves hair growth & quality
  • Reduces & heals scar tissue
  • Non-surgical treatment




First, take a look at our treatments and procedures section to get a feel of what each treatment entails. In-depth conversations will then be had at your consultation, where we will look into the best solution for you. Each case is different, and Dr. Saeed will work very closely with you to decide what’s best to do.

PRP Hair Transplant therapy is a non-surgical process. Some of the side effects that you are likely to experience from the PRP treatment include:
  • Slight pain during the injecting of PRP into the scalp
  • The tightness of the scalp as well as minor headaches after the PRP injection
  • Redness
  • Swellings around the forehead and the eye which subside after 24 hours of the PRP therapy
  • Slight Temporary bleeding at the injection site
hese side effects are short lasting and a direct result of administering the treatment. PRP is one of the most effective hair treatment methods available for patients that prefer non-surgical solutions for hair restoration. Our medical team will ensure that you receive the best medical care during your PRP Hair Transplant process. Feel free to contact us and book your appointment now!

The cause of your hairloss should be determined to decide which treatment would be best for you – if you are experiencing hair loss and you do not know the cause of it, we would recommend for you to have a Trichology appointment – this includes a medical examination and during the consultation, Dr Saaed will examine your head and scalp and go through your medical and hair history to try to determine which factors are causing the hair loss such as lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, immune system and hair care. He can then speak to you in detail about treatment options (which could be medication, topical treatments or other non surgical treatments such as PRP).

“PRP” is an abbreviation for Platelet Rich Plasma. A blood sample is taken from the arm and the blood is then put into a machine which spins at a rapid rate to separate the components of the blood. The doctor will then extract the platelets and prepare them to be injected into the scalp or face. For treating hair loss, PRP has been proven to regenerate and promote hair growth. It also promotes the growth of transplanted hair and will improve results after having hair transplant surgery. For the face, this treatment is commonly known as a “Vampire Facial” – it is great for skin rejuvenation as it stimulates new cell growth, helping improve your complexion and skin texture.

Modern, Cosmetic, Hair & Skin Clinic

What Our Clients Say

“I was excited to hear of a more natural treatment for my receding hair. Dr Saaed is a brilliant hair specialist who was recommended to me by a friend. He suggested platelet rich plasma PRP injection. His injecting technique is extremely smooth. I hardly felt a thing and the session was rather relaxing. The location is great and the treatment room was lovely. Can’t wait to see the results!”

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